Zodiac signs


Aries (March 21-April 20)
There will be alarming financial questions, which can be solved easily. It is time for you to show more lucidity in love matters. Don't trust the first one who comes along. You�re likely to feel more tense and nervous. Consequently, be organized so you can find a solution to conflicts with people.

Taurus (April 21-May 21)
Try to stay alert instead of working to solve delicate problems. Everything will go well as far as your love affairs are concerned. Disappointments and disillusions will be forgotten. There will excellent atmosphere in your family. But the Moon will make you irritable. Avoid confliction situations, don't take tranquilizers, eat healthy and light foods, and indulge in an open-air sport.

Gemini (May 22-June 21)
This month appears under the best auspices. Carry out what you always wished to do. Friendship will be in the limelight. Your exchanges will be colored with graciousness and sympathy. But it's possible that envy or jealousy hides behind certain friendly marks. So, be attentive.

Cancer (June 22-July 22)
Beware of excessive nervousness! Among family members, all will go well, mainly thanks to your goodwill. You'll communicate optimism and vitality to close relatives. Take care not to impose your views on others.

Leo (July 23-Aug 22)
It�s a fine month to reach some of the professional goals close to your heart. You are likely to be a victim of unscrupulous people, who will tell you numerous lies to manipulate you. Be vigilant.

Virgo (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23)
To succeed in any professional or personal projects, restrict yourself to the essential and show perseverance. Work toward good general resistance, good nervous balance and good digestion. You are likely to have dental or respiratory troubles. You�ll withdraw into yourself at the slightest clash with anyone. It will then be necessary to display boundless patience to hear you speak your mind. But you'll be the first one to suffer from this situation!

Libra (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23)
Drink much to eliminate toxins. To have too many friends is equal to having no friends at all. This time, you'll sort out your relationships so as to retain only the most trustful ones.

Scorpio (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22)
You will be satisfied heart wise and work wise. You'll be brilliant, self-confident and efficient. Your material situation will present itself rather well; if you're careful and shrewd, you'll make resources bear fruit. However, you should absolutely avoid lending money to one of your close relatives.

Sagittarius (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21)
If you give the best of yourself, professional success will be at your arm's reach. To get rid of the blues, it'll be essential to take things with detachment. You�ll be able to carry out profitable financial transactions. This month will be a particularly favorable moment to purchase or sell a plot of land or country house.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)
You�ll be secured by luck and should spend the coming month-ends in style. To carry out your wishes and desires, you'll need all the resources of vitality and energy. So, don't waste them in futile actions. Organize yourself.

Aquarius (Jan. 21-Feb. 19)
Your professional qualities will be fully recognized. Keep occupied at home. Regarding intuition, you'll be pampered by the Moon. Your flair will be infallible, especially to detect lack of authenticity in others. You'll clearly make windbags understand that they don't interest you.

Pisces (Feb. 20-Mar. 20)
PThere are likely to be frictions with certain people in the family. But don't let things grow acrimonious. You�ll control impulsiveness with difficulty. This could harm work. In the field of finances, your past assessments will prove to be inaccurate. Review each entry and make a more severe estimate. You'll realize that it's necessary to take drastic measures.

For more accurate predictions according to Hindu Vedic sastra (moon sign), call 1-866-287-3415 or click on www.123naseeb.com on the Internet.
Services offered: Vedic astrology, numerology, reiki, yoga.

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