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In 2023, Saturn moved to Aquarius, Rahu to Pisces, Ketu to Virgo and Jupiter to Aries. These transitions may give varying results in individual birth charts. Below is a general reading and analysis.


ARIES / Mesha (Fire sign, ruling planet is Mars) - (March 21 – April 20)
Moon Sign – Stars covered Ashwini, Bharani, Krittika (1st Part)

The influences of some transitory planetary effects are to adversely go against interest. Expect fruitful results in business, trade circles and financial ventures. Intellectual faculties may function effectively and spoken words could have power and command. Success in business ventures, marriage alliances are possible for eligible. Better period for pursuing educational studies and academical careers and an overall cheerful period lies ahead. Don’t allow your Martian temper to overtake calm posture. You may tend to be rash at times but need to keep under control.

TAURUS / Vrushabha (Earthen sign, ruling planet is Venus) - (April 21 – May 21)
Moon Sign - Stars covered Krittika (last 3 parts), Rohini, Mrigashira (first 2 parts)

Some planets could produce mixed results. You are practical in every sense. The planetary aspect upon sign makes you a person of success in some new ventures. New ideas could flow in. Some fresh responsibilities should be entrusted. Spoken words may have great command and things can be done easily and effectively. Social contacts and circle of influence increase, making it a practical month. Take care of health.

GEMINI / Mithuna (Air sign, ruling planet is Mercury) - (May 22 – June 21)
Moon Sign - Stars covered Mrigashira (last 2 parts), Ardra & Punarvasu (first 3 parts)

Transitory planets are favorable. An enthusiastic and cheerful period could lead in the right direction, making it a fun month. This means you may have satisfactory results in everything you touch. Success in undertakings is seen by some. Marriage and engagements can get settled to satisfaction. Business partnership and financial gains look favorable, and some may find unexpected sources to increase income. 

CANCER / Kataka (Watery sign, ruling planet is Moon) - (June 22 – July 22)
Moon Sign – Stars covered Punarvasu (4th part), Pushya, Aslesha

Cancerians are to go with testing times. Some planets may test patience and adverse conditions. Fluidity is the nature of the Moon and sign lord is the significator planet for the mind. It is highly recommended that one should exercise control over the mind, but not the other way round! Some may not be able to take firm decisions on important matters; it is recommended you break the comfort zone, shed inhibition and act according to the situation. Success in daily routine affairs, however, takes due precautions.

LEO / Simha (Fire sign, ruling planet is Sun) - (July 23 – August 22)
Moon Sign – Stars covered Magha, Purva Phalguni, Uttara Phalguni (1st part)

Most planets are favorable, some may also produce slightly negative effects; yet at the end, adverse effects are overcome. Beneficial conditions persist; however, expenditure matches income. Word power may have full command. Family and social standards could rise further. Many projects are likely to pick up. Success in the workplace is seen too, though there may be stress due to restlessness and overwork.

VIRGO / Kanya (Earthen sign, ruling planet is Mercury) (August 23 – Sept. 22)
Moon Sign – Stars covered Uttara Phalguni (last 3 parts), Hasta, Chitra (first 2 parts)

Mercury, the sign lord is transiting powerfully along with most planets, which are favorable too. However, some planets might create a testing time. This means there may be obstacles. Bearing this in mind, if one navigates skillfully and is tactful, success is possible, and goals can be achieved. Maintain unshakeable faith in the divine force.

LIBRA / Tula (Air sign, ruling planet is Venus) - (September 23 – October 23)
Moon Sign – Stars covered Chitra (last 2 parts), Swati, Vishakha (first 3 parts)

The transition of Venus, sign lord, is encouraging for personal achievements, particularly, in finance, profession and business. You will enjoy family domestic happiness. Fortune may shine, and favorable health conditions can be seen too. Some may have to put extra effort owing to certain negative currents. Let Venetian power take over things. Some may find this to be a winning month with regards to professional upliftment and career progression. Be alert against rash behavior though.

SCORPIO / Vruschika (Water sign, ruling planet is Mars) - (October 24 – Nov 22)
Moon Sign – Stars covered Vishakha (4th part), Anuradha, Jyestha

Social circle, new contacts may develop. Family setup, financial improvements, domestic happiness can be helpful. Some of you may feel spiritually enlightened and inspired to rise. Easy flow of money, additional sources of income and special gains can be seen too. Health-wise, some people with weak digestion need to be careful with eating habits. Slightly heavy expenditure cannot be ruled out too!

SAGITTARIUS / Dhanush (Fire sign, ruling planet is Jupiter) - (Nov 23 – Dec 21)
Moon Sign – Stars covered Moola, Purva Shada, Uttara Shada (first part)

Planetary transition looks satisfactory for marital matters along with change in workplace. Professionally, change of place for furthering career is possible. Expenditures equal income; take care of economic conditions. The transit of some planets can work adversely, and some may face unexpected hurdles in domestic sphere and physical health. Take due care.

CAPRICORN / Makara (Earthen sign, ruling planet is Saturn) - (Dec 22 – Jan 20)
Moon Sign – Stars covered Uttara Shada (last 3 parts) Shravana, Dhanistha (first 2 parts)

Transition of major planets is highly congenial for health and family welfare. This seems to be a positive time for most natives. Professional and financial progress can be seen too. It is a positive time for people with constructive projects and a proper plan to act. Overall assessment shows a progressive month ahead with a cheerful note. Propitiation for Saturn, Rahu and Ketu may be highly rewarding.

AQUARIUS / Kumbha (Air sign, ruling planet is Saturn) – (Jan 21 – Feb 19)
Moon Sign - Stars covered: Dhanishta (last 2 parts) Satabhisha, Purva Bhadra Pada (1st 3 parts)

Belonging to a well-dignified planet and mystic sign, Aquarians have leadership qualities. Your sign lord Saturn transits through the sign making it a positive time for many. Due promotions, business developments, partnership, expansions and developing new projects are possible owing to positive trends. Adverse currents are eliminated by virtue of positive power. However, guard against stressful conditions, heavy work pressure and stressful journeys. Remedy: Performing daily prayers with deep devotion helps ward off pessimism.

PISCES / Meena (Water sign, ruling planet is Jupiter) - (Feb 20 to March 20)
Moon Sign - Stars covered: Purva Bhadra Pada (last part) Uttara Bhadra Pada, Revathi

Time is valuable to implement ideas into action. Expansion schemes may work out well. Due to positive transitory effects, rich benefits are expected for income and sudden gains for some. Rewarding business travel is on the card for a few. You will march ahead in a cheerful manner with full self-confidence.

For detailed horoscope analysis and chart reading, courtesy Pankaj-Astro Jyotish, call Pankaj Kohli at (905) 910-1441 or e-mail [email protected]

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