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KHAAS BAAT COMPLETES 6-YEAR ANNIVERSARY By NITISH S. RELE and SHEPHALI J. RELE As we reach our six-year anniversary this month, we want to acknowledge and thank our columnists, writers and well-wishers for their help and encouragement. And of course, the business end of a publication cannot function without support from our advertisers. In the changing pace of print media, we are glad that Khaas Baat has filled a niche providing information that isn�t available in other medium. We will continue to do the same in future. However, we welcome your suggestions and any new ideas on how we can expand and better serve the Indian American community in Florida. The month�s issue is packed with news and events, including the India Independence Day celebrations. Khaas Baat columnist and immigration attorney Dilip Patel explains the steps to take to surrender your Indian passport if you are a naturalized U.S. citizen (story, page 11). Also, do read our profile of Dr. Akshay Desai, president of Universal Health Care (story, page 17).
Community organizers, remember to email us at
[email protected] about future
events in your town. Remember, Khaas Baat is the ONE AND ONLY Sunshine State
publication to offer comprehensive coverage of happenings in your Florida Indian
community. Previous Editor's Notes | Khaasbaat Archives
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