Khaas Baat : A Publication for Indian Americans in Florida


Lavanya Dinesh

By DR. Maulik Trivedi, MD

Welcome to the third article in our series on MindBody. Last time, we raised the following question about being lost in the metaphorical sea of life. What do we require most as we journey through life in our MindBody. And more important, where do we acquire what we need?

Much like a compass for direction and a motor to propel us while on sea, we require the guidance and energy in our MindBody to go through life. To be able to cross our existence on earth, we all need enriching nourishment for the body and the positively balanced thinking in our mind. Historically, in the Indian tradition, this role fell to the ayurvedic physicians and the spiritual gurus respectively. In present time, the modern spiritual gurus embody the capabilities of guiding us by providing us exactly what we require to go through our life.

The modern gurus bring ancient wisdom and present it with a scientific basis for our understanding. The contradiction of our time seems to be that we need science to explain eternal truths, which have governed our MindBody since the creation of human beings. Modern gurus are equipped to provide us this knowledge with simple elegance.

They provide knowledge in two forms. Principles of Yoga are their primary method for imparting wisdom. The other is to bring to our awareness knowledge that transcends the thought capacity of the mind. One way to understand the purpose of Yoga is as a method of training and maintaining our MindBody. The modern guru beholds unique knowledge gained through mastery of their own MindBody using techniques of Yoga. The teachings and techniques of Yoga that we can learn from such a guru have the unique capacity to lead us to our healthiest physical body and happiest mental state.

The word Guru has Sanskrit root, which denote its spiritual connotation. It literally means 'remover of shadows.' Hence, Guru embodies that light, which removes darkness. The darkness signifies our ignorance which prevents us from being able to live in eternal happiness and bliss. Guru can bring that awareness and wisdom to our life which has the power to remove the ignorance. Mind you, the knowledge that a Guru brings is not contained in the spoken word or in a secret mantra. It is embodied in the subtle energy emanating from the Guru in every action that the Guru performs. When one interacts with a Guru, they are transformed in their way of thinking and experiencing the world around them. The healing capabilities of Guru range from helping us overcome effects of stress on our MindBody to guiding us to the highest state of 'self' awareness that one can attain as a human being.

Most readers must be aware of a popular shloka (Sanskrit verse) paying homage to the Guru.

Gurur-Brahmaa Gurur-Vissnnur-Gururdevo Maheshvarah |

Gurur Sakshat Param Brahma Tasmai Shrii-Gurave Namah ||1||

It states that Guru is Brahma, Guru is Vishnu, the Guru Deva is Maheswara (Shiva),

The Guru is Verily the Para-Brahman (Supreme Brahman); Salutations to that Guru.

Hence, Guru is that bridge for human beings, which through proper nourishment and guidance can lead a human being not only through the ocean of life, but all the way to the experience of the divine.

So how do we obtain the influence and the benefits of the wisdom of a guru in modern life? Do we need to seek one out from the Himalayas or simply Google one up? Fortunately, the grace of true Guru is such that if one desires to be guided by a Guru, then the right Guru must appear in their life in one form or another. All that is required is intense desire. A desire to know more.

Until you find such a Guru, or such a Guru makes their presence known in your life, it would be wise to read biography of a Guru or the written words of a Guru. Here are some names of Gurus who have enlightened humanity in recent and current times in human form. They are in no particular order, feel free to Google them: Shri RamKrishna Paramhansa, Swami Vivekananda, Paramhansa Yogananda, Swami Chinmayanandji, Shree Arvind, Mother Teresa, Khalil Gibran, Dalai Lama, Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, Shri Pramukh Swamiji, Shri Nisarga Datta Maharaj, Sri Ganapati Sachidananda Swamiji, Dada Bhagvan, Sri Mageshda and Sadhguru.

My apologies for leaving out twice as many more that belong on this list. My Namaste to you until next time.

Maulik Trivedi, MD, is a practicing psychiatrist and a MindBody physician. For details, visit You can also follow him on Twitter @MindBodyYogaMD

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