ARIES / Mesha (Fire sign, ruling planet is Mars) - (March 21 – April 20)
Moon Sign – Stars covered Ashwini, Bharani, Krittika (1st Part)
The month promises monetary gains owing to influential planetary transits. Better time ahead, with all money matters and finance; one may have more disposable income than expenses. Prosperity and peace rest assured. Finance and commerce weigh positively.
TAURUS / Vrushabha (Earthen sign, ruling planet is Venus) - (April 21 – May 21)
Moon Sign - Stars covered Krittika (last 3 parts), Rohini, Mrigashira (first 2 parts)
Planetary influence brings remarkable recovery from illnesses for chronic and serious patients. Few planets may create marital discords and problems for some. Move with caution, solve problems, do not procrastinate. Face issues as they come and create a success story.
GEMINI / Mithuna (Air sign, ruling planet is Mercury) - (May 22 – June 21)
Moon Sign - Stars covered Mrigashira (last 2 parts), Ardra & Punarvasu (first 3 parts)
Your sign lord promises personal, professional, relationship success. However, some planetary influences bring undercurrents on the domestic front. Take care of heart- and stress-related problems as well. Professionally, the situation is lukewarm.
CANCER / Kataka (Watery sign, ruling planet is Moon) - (June 22 – July 22)
Moon Sign – Stars covered Punarvasu (4th part), Pushya, Aslesha
Majority planets are positively placed. Health, wealth, peace, prosperity and love look favorable. One feels courageous, bold and outgoing. It is a great time to start new ventures in your spheres. Do not let this time slip; try to recover all losses. Professionally, it is time to see some success.
LEO / Simha (Fire sign, ruling planet is Sun) - (July 23 – August 22)
Moon Sign – Stars covered Magha, Purva Phalguni, Uttara Phalguni (1st part)
This is a positive time in most spheres. One feels enthusiastic with high spirits and looks at being a winner in almost everything. Natives may do well on domestic front, personal happiness and professional changes are on the rise. However, proper medical care should be given at slightest provocation. Money matters will be positive.
VIRGO / Kanya (Earthen sign, ruling planet is Mercury) (August 23 – Sept. 22)
Moon Sign – Stars covered Uttara Phalguni (last 3 parts), Hasta, Chitra (first 2 parts)
This month brings positive results in finance, job, growth and recovery. Only be careful as loss in speculative activities seen! Domestic issues need maximum attention in first half of the month. Unexpected positive real estate deals, house or land deals may materialize in second half. Recovery of old debts and outstanding dues can be expected soon.
LIBRA / Tula (Air sign, ruling planet is Venus) - (September 23 – October 23)
Moon Sign – Stars covered Chitra (last 2 parts), Swati, Vishakha (first 3 parts)
Your sign lord brings personal success; hence, you are encouraged to march ahead with full courage and positive approach. Rich gains in love and financial success are possible, but you may have to work hard to achieve. Rahu’s presence in 7th house shows some undercurrents in matrimony or alliances.
SCORPIO / Vruschika (Water sign, ruling planet is Mars) - (October 24 – Nov 22)
Moon Sign – Stars covered Vishakha (4th part), Anuradha, Jyestha
Domestic and financial conditions, material comforts are expected to improve with gains. Commercially this is a good month. However, professional change is not advisable. Business partnerships may work in your favor. Be careful in what you do.
SAGITTARIUS / Dhanush (Fire sign, ruling planet is Jupiter) - (Nov 23 – Dec 21)
Moon Sign – Stars covered Moola, Purva Shada, Uttara Shada (first part)
It is time to rise and shine, a great and promising month ahead. There is overall improvement with regards to finance, family, love and profession. Overall, it is a good time. However, due precautions should be taken on health grounds as negative afflictions are seen too.
CAPRICORN / Makara (Earthen sign, ruling planet is Saturn) - (Dec 22 – Jan 20)
Moon Sign – Stars covered Uttara Shada (last 3 parts) Shravana, Dhanistha (first 2 parts)
Overall, it is a gainful time on most fronts as Mars, Saturn and Sun bring good effects on wealth, family and spouse relationship. However, be careful on health grounds as some expenses are seen.
AQUARIUS / Kumbha (Air sign, ruling planet is Saturn) – (Jan 21 – Feb 19)
Moon Sign - Stars covered: Dhanishta (last 2 parts) Satabhisha, Purva Bhadra Pada (1st 3 parts)
On the one side, income potential increases; on the other hand, expenses could increase in different proportions as well. Practically, this is a favorable time on family, wealth and domestic front. Love life is on the go, make best use of it.
PISCES / Meena (Water sign, ruling planet is Jupiter) - (Feb 20 to March 20)
Moon Sign - Stars covered: Purva Bhadra Pada (last part) Uttara Bhadra Pada, Revathi
Barring slight health issues, your time period is excellent on almost all fronts. Domestic, personal, love life, wealth – all these channels are open for you. One will be happy in all respects as this is a highly beneficial month for all other material comforts.
For detailed horoscope analysis and chart reading, courtesy Pankaj-Astro Jyotish, call Pankaj Kohli at (905) 910-1441 or e-mail [email protected]