ARIES / Mesha (Fire sign, ruling planet is Mars) - (March 21 – April 20)
Moon Sign – Stars covered Ashwini, Bharani, Krittika (1st Part)
Straighten domestic issues first, half the problems will be solved. Financial, material and emotional state is improving each day. Increase means of earning, time is favorable. Misunderstanding with co-workers may be possible. Hard work alone still remains the mantra for success.
TAURUS / Vrushabha (Earthen sign, ruling planet is Venus) - (April 21 – May 21)
Moon Sign - Stars covered Krittika (last 3 parts), Rohini, Mrigashira (first 2 parts)
Due to unfavorable influences watch actions at every step, do not force your viewpoints on others. Wealth and economic conditions are not the best, expenses are higher than income. Some obstacles seen in undertakings. At present, a subdued demeanor in social and professional circles may be helpful. Eye-related trouble could crop up.
GEMINI / Mithuna (Air sign, ruling planet is Mercury) - (May 22 – June 21)
Moon Sign - Stars covered Mrigashira (last 2 parts), Ardra & Punarvasu (first 3 parts)
Spouse’s health may require attention. Your strength lies in taking own decisions, so being fickle minded or angry won’t help. There is a great potential for higher income. Material gains are seen through native’s mother. Watch out for gout or rheumatism.
CANCER / Kataka (Watery sign, ruling planet is Moon) - (June 22 – July 22)
Moon Sign – Stars covered Punarvasu (4th part), Pushya, Aslesha
Stay positive and calm; you will control situations from going out of hands. Keep away from bad company and influences. Domestic peace and happiness are in your hands to maintain. Rheumatic and bile-related troubles could rise. Chance of workplace issues may crop up. Be extra careful with peers, co-workers and seniors alike.
LEO / Simha (Fire sign, ruling planet is Sun) - (July 23 – August 22)
Moon Sign – Stars covered Magha, Purva Phalguni, Uttara Phalguni (1st part)
Planetary influences will help one to gain and recover money and losses, but expenses need to be kept under control. Harsh speech coupled with hot temperament will produce adverse results both at home and workplace. Guard against eye problems, excessive heat in the body, acidity and bile-related issues. Marriage proposals, relationships can blossom and materialize. Some are bound to be victorious over enemies and will win in many ways.
VIRGO / Kanya (Earthen sign, ruling planet is Mercury) (August 23 – Sept. 22)
Moon Sign – Stars covered Uttara Phalguni (last 3 parts), Hasta, Chitra (first 2 parts)
Great news is on the cards: new business proposal or a short work trip may be highly fruitful and beneficial, so do not miss any such opportunity that may come your way. Your status and societal influence get a boost. Planetary influences indicate an increase in wealth, relations and happy domestic conditions. Some may gain on one hand and spend with the other, watch your expenses. Keep yourself, domestic and workplace neat, clean and tidy; you will find meditation, art and music to be quite relaxing, enjoy every moment.
LIBRA / Tula (Air sign, ruling planet is Venus) - (September 23 – October 23)
Moon Sign – Stars covered Chitra (last 2 parts), Swati, Vishakha (first 3 parts)
You will benefit through your spouse’s luck or your spouse will prove to be lucky for you. Let he or her accompany you while signing important deals. Monetary gains accrue through own efforts. Your efforts will meet with stiff resistance but will be triumphant eventually. Focus all attention on one factor at a time, doing multiple activities may not lead to desired results. Take good care of mother’s health, it may require immediate attention.
SCORPIO / Vruschika (Water sign, ruling planet is Mars) - (October 24 – Nov 22)
Moon Sign – Stars covered Vishakha (4th part), Anuradha, Jyestha
You will follow a path of truth, righteousness, spirituality and sincerity. Happiness lies at home in the company of your spouse and children. People in government jobs, business or associates may see gains. Scorpions should try to apply for government jobs, they might get one.
SAGITTARIUS / Dhanush (Fire sign, ruling planet is Jupiter) - (Nov 23 – Dec 21)
Moon Sign – Stars covered Moola, Purva Shada, Uttara Shada (first part)
You are brave and strong and respected by all, yet some get angry and harsh and cannot take correct decisions. Some may face obstacles during the current time period. Domestic issues cannot be ruled out. There will be great interest in spiritual practices, meditation and religious ceremonies. Chance of gout or rheumatism possible, so be careful with health.
CAPRICORN / Makara (Earthen sign, ruling planet is Saturn) - (Dec 22 – Jan 20)
Moon Sign – Stars covered Uttara Shada (last 3 parts) Shravana, Dhanistha (first 2 parts)
Keep away from bad company and influences. Domestic peace and happiness are in your hands to maintain. Some may face issues at workplace, be extra careful with peers, co-workers and seniors alike. Irresponsible actions may cause problems, so think before acting. Guard against rheumatic and bile -elated troubles.
AQUARIUS / Kumbha (Air sign, ruling planet is Saturn) – (Jan 21 – Feb 19)
Moon Sign - Stars covered: Dhanishta (last 2 parts) Satabhisha, Purva Bhadra Pada (1st 3 parts)
Proper and sound sleep eludes some due to constant worries over unnecessary issues. Heavy expenditure cannot be ruled out. Misunderstandings may lead to problems in any new business venture you plan to start. No partnership business proposal should be considered. Marriage proposals, if any, should be wisely evaluated and details matched before accepting them.
PISCES / Meena (Water sign, ruling planet is Jupiter) - (Feb 20 to March 20)
Moon Sign - Stars covered: Purva Bhadra Pada (last part) Uttara Bhadra Pada, Revathi
Jupiter, your sign lord is excellently placed bestowing all blessings, yet it is in a state of debilitation. Clear misunderstandings at home and workplace; clarity and peace are setting in. People seeking business partnerships and matrimonial alliances can be successful in undertakings. Take care of your and spouse’s health. Expenses are more than income. Change the tide of time; it is in your hands.
For detailed horoscope analysis and chart reading, courtesy Pankaj-Astro Jyotish, call Pankaj Kohli at (905) 910-1441 or e-mail [email protected]