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Know of any youth who have won an award or have a recent accomplishment? Send in your news on youth to Shephali J. Rele, Khaas Baat, 18313 Cypress Stand Circle, Tampa, FL 33647 or e-mail [email protected]. Be sure to include school name, grade and age.
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By NITISH S. RELE - [email protected]

Tampa teen earns Eagle Scout honor

Mahesh Mistry

Mahesh Mistry, a member of Troop 148 in Tampa, became Eagle Scout on July 13 and had the ceremony on Oct. 3 at St Mark's Evangelistic Catholic Church.

The 14-year-old started as a Webelo scout in New York at age 9 and continued to scout after moving to Tampa. He earned 26 merit badges and held several leadership positions, including Den Chiefa and Assistant Senior Patrol Leader.

For his Eagle project, he collected toys, games, stationery, books and money for the Children's Home Inc. in Tampa. He was assisted with his project by Troop 148, Pack 48, friends and family.

He is in the engineering magnet program at Middleton High. He represents his school in Robotics Team, Mu Alpha Theta (Mathematics), Engineering Club and Science Team. He plans to pursue a career in mechanical engineering and architecture and he believes that this high honor will further him in his goals.

His parents are Harshad and Usha Mistry.

Know of any youth who have won an award or have a recent accomplishment? Send in your news on youth to Shephali J. Rele, Khaas Baat, 18313 Cypress Stand Circle, Tampa, FL 33647 or e-mail [email protected]. Be sure to include school name, grade and age.

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