Khaas Baat : A Publication for Indian Americans in Florida

Editor's Note



This month, we celebrate a milestone, 20 years of continuous monthly publication since the inaugural issue in August 2004. We thank the dedicated volunteer columnists, past and present, for their valuable contributions, and our steadfast advertisers and well-wishers, it wouldn’t have been possible without their efforts and support. We have strived to make a positive and meaningful impact by keeping readers aware of cultural activities and events, prominent people and happenings within the Indian American community. Apart from our regular monthly features, news stories and upcoming event coverage, we hope you enjoy our reviews of vehicles we test drive each week. Maybe some serve as a guidance for you when looking to purchase a new car.

One of our friends and well-wishers put it succinctly, “For two decades, Khaas Baat has been a vital source of news, information, and connection for countless readers. You have played a crucial role in keeping the community informed, engaged, and united, especially during times of hardship. Your unwavering commitment to serving the community is truly inspiring. We sincerely thank you for your passion and perseverance in bringing Khaas Baat to life each month. Thank you for providing a platform that celebrates the rich culture and heritage of the Asian Indian community in Florida.”

Since its inception, Khaas Baat has been mailed free of cost to subscribers around the state with only a handful of paid subscribers in the past few years. We are proud to say we haven’t skipped a single issue. And since the beginning of the pandemic, Khaas Baat has been available in its entirety online at www.khaasbaat.com For those who prefer to read a hard copy of the newspaper, do subscribe for home delivery. Starting a new venture or looking to grow your business? Please advertise in our newspaper to promote your business.

Over a third of newspapers in the United States have shut down in the last 16 years or so. Paper shortages and supply issues have hit community publications such as Khaas Baat the hardest but, despite all odds, we have continued to print on a monthly basis. Recent challenges include rising inflation and mailing costs. At this juncture, we are in need of corporate or private sponsors to help cover our monthly production costs so we may continue to publish Khaas Baat as a high-quality newspaper proudly serving our community. Please send your support via Zelle to (813) 758-1786 or you can PayPal ID to: [email protected] You may also send a check addressed to KHAAS BAAT and mailed to KHAAS BAAT, 8312 WINDSOR BLUFF DRIVE, TAMPA, FL 33647.

As our festival season is under way, we request community leaders and organizers to email event details to [email protected] by the 20th of the month to be included in the following month’s issue. We always welcome your story ideas and suggestions on how we can best serve our community.

Khaas Baat is proud to be the ONE AND ONLY Sunshine State publication to offer comprehensive coverage of news and happenings in the Florida Indian community. Do follow us on twitter @khaasbaat and join us on Facebook.


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