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Zodiac signs


Aries (March 21-April 20)
This is a happy and pleasant month for you. Work will be of interest. Superiors who are enthusiastic about new projects may aid research. The second half of the month is industrious and gratifying. Health regime should be made evidently as it will pay you off and give you energy to spare.

Taurus (April 21-May 21)
You can afford to be a bit outrageous in the first half and also ambitious. Maintain a positive attitude in all areas and do not allow anybody to put you down or influence you by negative thinking. You will be changing your mind and decisions every second moment. This is an active and busy month. Some of you will be tempted to spend an above average amount of money on your home.

Gemini (May 22-June 21)
This is productive month. The atmosphere at home as well as at your place of employment is congenial and helpful. The second half is a bit tricky for some of you. You may not know from one minute to the next what associates will do or say. You will be quite happy and tolerant of the personal mannerism of other people unless they interfere with your finances or long-term security.

Cancer (June 22-July 22)
There are family and societal concerns and a larger issue that might probably weigh heavily on your mind. But what gives you utmost peace of mind is the probable completion of a project at the work front. During the second half of the month, you will have to be careful with words.

Leo (July 23-Aug 22)
You will not find that extra pace at your place of work. During the second half, you will instill confidence in yourself. This will be a good time for dealing with the problems of the associates or juniors at work and children at your home. More responsibilities are coming your way. Your approach is truly commendable.

Virgo (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23)
You'll put a stop to all material activities, and pull out all stops at the spiritual. In other words, you'll embark on a soul-searching exercise this phase. You'll feel that your life, activities, lifestyle, all require revaluation and changes, thereby making you derive and value the true essence of life. Some of you may be ready to undertake new studies or perhaps adopt new attitudes to life.

Libra (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23)
You may be getting some good offers to supplement income. The second half is changeful. Handle associates very carefully at your place of work during mid-month. More important, you'll develop an attitude and value system that might as well help you up your success quotient. Also, there will be a sudden watershed moment in your life with increase on demands on you.

Scorpio (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22)
This is a manageable month. The first half is pleasant, as you will be mixing your business with pleasure. The more you travel away, the more stimulated you mind is going to be. The second half is a bit slow. Some minor changes into all of your relationships are seen, so you will need to remain flexible. You'll be scurrying for cover during this phase, with professional work demands and responsibilities as well as financial worries pinning you down like never before.

Sagittarius (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21)
People are your prerogative this time you will limit yourself to the concerns of family, parents, in-laws, friends and partners. And you may even enter into long-lasting commitments with them, the kinds that you sincerely intend to honor. You could be in an expansive mood in the first half of the month. You will have several options for increasing your income.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)
You will want to shine, sparkle and outdo everyone around you. The reason being you are out to impress your beloved. In an overenthusiastic mood to prove yourself, you don't mind taking up tedious responsibilities. This is a changing and delicate month. You can gain quite considerably from mental application and from research done into the background of situations and relationships. It is possible that you could become emotionally involved with someone committed elsewhere.

Aquarius (Jan. 21-Feb. 19)
Meeting of influential people will have a favorable impact on your present projects. It is important to stay in the good graces of superiors at a time when they seem to be handling out favors. During the second half of the month, rest your ambitions. The last week may be tedious but there will be time to get some personal matters so you will not feel that the time is wasted.

Pisces (Feb. 20-Mar. 20)
This is a useful month. The first two weeks are pleasant enough for doing your own things. Recreational activities will be enjoyable. Try to make it up to loved ones if you have had any arguments that could possibly sour the domestic atmosphere. The third and fourth weeks of the month are hectic yet useful for you. Some may have huge expenses or ill-health.

For more accurate predictions according to Hindu Vedic sastra (moon sign), call 1-866-287-3415 or click on on the Internet.
Services offered: Vedic astrology, numerology, reiki, yoga.

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