Zodiac signs
Aries (March 21-April 20)
Your self-esteem, sense of your own worth and image
will be not only important, but improved in your own
mind. You do the things that enhance this. Your duty
to older people, parents, in-laws, even aged/infirm
members of society will be strong and focused. You
will derive genuine satisfaction from caring for them.
In addition, you will lavish care on your immoveable
assets such as house/home/property, and redo, improve
and enhance them too. You have the decision-making
skills and judgment to both identify and fulfill your
commitments and role in the home and family matters.
Taurus (April 21-May 21)
Your emotional and intellectual gains continue. There
is both a greater sense of purpose, as well as hope.
You also have learnt to accept both your own
shortcomings and those of others. Assessing your
situation in life, you say, as the Americans do, �I
can live with it.� Obviously, greater peace and
harmony are the results. This is directed toward what
are now worthwhile and good causes. You use all
possible media of communication to reach out to the
community and society as a whole. You will have better
physical and emotional health and well-being now; so,
you can put in the extra effort and watch the great
results coming in.
Gemini (May 22-June 21)
Your fine interactions with people carry on, be they
with family and loved ones, or on a larger scale. You
will have both sincerity and courage in your dealings
with people. In fact, friendly communication will ease
hidden fears. You will understand people�s feeling
with affection, caring or at the very least, insight.
It makes for greater happiness in your own life, too,
especially in interactions with extended family and
personal relationships.
Cancer (June 22-July 22)
Pleasures intermingle with work to create a sense of
wholesome ease, and there will be greater creativity
and talent in work. There may be confusion too from
discussions and matters revealed through and about
friends. But sharing your thoughts is like a therapy,
and will clear up misunderstandings and misconceptions
that could have been created. You will gain greatly in
this full moon phase, too, in terms of hope, fresh new
outlook and a better perspective on life. You are able
to make the most of the many opportunities for
material and emotional gain that now arise.
Leo (July 23-Aug 22)
A phase in which the entire family scene is remarkably
fulfilling, creative pursuits, children, pets,
dependents will flourish, so also even your plants,
your flowers, your piece of land. Be pragmatic and
realistic about the goals you set yourself in
work/profession/career, and you will have a fine moon
phase. You will be both more practical and flexible in
your attitude, particularly in finance matters. Stocks
and shares and speculation will be exciting and
interesting, but don�t be too blind in your trust of
Virgo (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23)
Your gains are still apparent and visible. You will be
relaxed, at ease and ready to enjoy yourself in the
company of others. In fact, you might even have
pleasurable sharing of old times and reminiscences,
acquaintances and friends. Your interaction with
people brings you rejuvenation, the energy and skills
of youth. In fact, you will feel some what
transformed, much more daring and confident. You�ll
have enjoyment, fun, romance in life. You�re also
fairly clear about your personal goals. You have the
time, despite socializing, to plan wisely, well and
slowly about career advancement.
Libra (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23)
You will travel for work, business, pleasure or out of
a feeling of sheer restlessness. You feel a tremendous
desire for movement, and believe that travel will
help, as well as communication. Friends will make you
enter a mood of transcendence, and beautiful places
will inspire you. You also have a desire for true
personal growth that you want to fulfill � and who can
blame you? Spontaneous self-_expression will be
possible, even if family responsibilities prevent you
from satisfying your wonder lust. The other thing that
withholds you back will be sky-high expenses, but
despite that you will expand your interests. Be more
daring in your approach despite hidden worries.
Scorpio (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22)
You will truly reach out to people and places. Social
and group activities will be shared much more
actively, and also will prove much more enjoyable.
They might be quite profitable � contacts can lead to
contracts and future benefits, says, Ganesha, though
that is not the sole reason for them. I must say this
quite categorically. Once again it is the Cs, not only
of contacts and communications, but there also is
companionship, correspondence, in fact, all the ties
that you are capable of. You�ll want to communicate
not only with those in your immediate circle or
vicinity but with the whole wide world, which may now
seem to be on your doorstep, virtually.
Sagittarius (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21)
You concentrate almost with a vengeance now on your
professional activities. They will be so greatly
intensified that you might feel it�s a one-man/woman
show! You will perhaps not feel like sparing the time
for your children, loved ones, dependents even, so
busy will you be in wider subjects such as information
technology, even space research. Science and physics
will influence and impact on your work. How exactly it
will happen will depend on your individual horoscope,
of course, but work has a global, universal dimension.
And its been building up all the while: it�s not a
sudden change.
Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)
Another hectic phase, in which you will make
super-human efforts to cope with both finances and the
demands on your creative skills at work. The latter
will require imagination, vision and flair. The trend
in work was almost cosmic in its implications, so you
have to match it with ideas that are equally glorious
and inspired, Ganesha gives you the inspirations that
you need to come out with winning ideas. This will
apply strongly and pertinently to your finances. You
will be confident and determined in your handling of
money matters because you perceive a shortage of
Aquarius (Jan. 21-Feb. 19)
In this full moon many good things come to you. You
meet and interact with people with similar values.
This helps to reinforce and strengthen your own better
nature and also your mental powers, and the
sensitivities and sensibilities you have. In fact, you
will see how to proceed with your own wishes and
vision. You also realize that individual happiness
comes when you know yourself. You will discuss shared
expenses and help family prosperity in this new mood
that has given you.
Pisces (Feb. 20-Mar. 20)
Your rights and privileges will be more important than
your duties. In fact, you will wind up some
long-delayed matters, handle relatives and extended
family. This trend may extend to include the
community, the neighborhood, your city or locality,
but you are aware of them all in terms of your private
space. Keep detached and calm when doing necessary
work. Ganesha adds mature friends will give you good
counsel and the right moves will become apparent to
you. Possessions and property, too, will be handled
well in this new context rather than the
rescheduling/reorganizing of the earlier phase.
For more accurate predictions according to Hindu Vedic sastra (moon sign),
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offered: Vedic astrology, numerology, reiki, yoga.