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CONSULTING GURU - Services include: Driving School, Notary Public, Travel Consultant..... Saving you money in every way! Call Kumar at 813-477-3488 or email [email protected]
Family with 2 children, looking for child care & light housekeeping help. Attractive pay. Hours negotiable. Reliable transportation a must. Call (727) 938-7373.
Indian grocery and restaurant. Asking $110K plus inventory includes license and all equipment. Centrally located in Tampa. Call Shankar at 813-243-1522 or Nagu at 813-394-0498. �Serious Buyer only.�
Send your best wishes to family and loved ones for occasions such as birthday, engagement, marriage and anniversary. Call (813) 758-1786 or e-mail [email protected] To list your classified ad (for sale, help wanted, services offered), call (813) 758-1786 or e-mail [email protected]
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